Is it possible to create sphere worlds in UE4?

Is it possible to create sphere worlds, like the small planets is Spore? Or like this game: [link

I have no idea, where to start, or even if it is possible somehow. The gravity should point to the center of the sphere (planet), and the heightmap should be applied to a sphere somehow, and the characters should walk on the surface.

It is but you will require to create a custom gravity vector instead of using the build-in engine gravity. Here is a forum thread about how to do it and to get you started: Dynamic gravity for characters - C++ - Unreal Engine Forums

You gravity vector would then point into the sphere.


Can this be done in Blueprints or Just C++

Can it be possible to right in C++ then export as a Node?

Do you require any further assistance on the issue?

For now it is a C++ only solution, once Epic merges some related Pull Request into the engine it will be accessible from BP too.

Creating a BP node you mean? I think not directly because it requires quite some engine modification in the movement component and some others so that the gravity affects the remaining actors.


Would of worked for me at this point. Shame, will have to wait.

Too bad the author doesnt respond anymore and the sourcecode is not released…

Yeas but the idea is quite clear, and he submitted some Pull Requests that Epic was having a look at.

Thank you for the answers. I’m sad, I can’t create it using blueprint, but if it is possible somehow else, it’s ok. I’m busy this months, but I will check out the link, with the custom gravity vector as soon, as possible.

The pull request you mentioned is the #1773 (status open)?

Hi! Have you had any luck solving this in BP?

Yes, this is solved in Blueprints. Here is a video tutorial link:

this man don know how to set gravity

watch this. How To Do Line Tracing Using C++ In Unreal Engine - YouTube