3D Imposter Flipbooks?

Hi all

I was wondering if UE4 has an implementation to change the flipbook of a sprite depending on the viewing angle? I’m going for the look of Populous: The Beginning, where a unit is an animated sprite, but as you rotate around the unit, the sprite changes to one of the appropriate angle.

I have a rough implementation of this in some code & blueprints, but it’s clunky, and was wondering if I’m missing something obvious?

I haven’t seen anything like that built into the engine, you’ll have to roll your own as you’ve been doing.

Thanks, it’s as I feared, but I just wanted to be sure that I’m not reinventing the wheel.

As an update, I was walking through the example levels, and noticed the little questionmarks for documentation… for any future Googlers finding this, look into Billboards, they might do what you need!