Android launch / splash screen image

How can I set an image to show during initial UE4 load instead of a black screen?

I’ve tried the second answer here (make an Android theme) and it loads my image briefly (like under 100ms) and then goes black for few seconds before loading my first level. The first level is an extremely small simple menu, so most of my load time is between that and the actual game level, but I’d love to control the players experience from tapping the game icon!

I’ve found this question on AnswerHub and the forums, but I don’t understand how to integrate Android code like this into an Unreal project.

Should I be messing around with activities in the Build folder or trying some other approach?


I have been messing with GameActivities and experienced the same issues.

My educated guess is that when the engine starts, the style that has applied to the gameactivity no applies anymore (ie your image just disappear).

I have read that in 4.7 we will be able to setup startup movies for android.

I think Epic should put a bit more effort in android in general, the no-splashscreen is a big issue