Having COLLISION Problems! Need a little Help

Here’s the skinny…

I have Enemy_Test_1 & Enemy_Test_2 both set to cause damage on Hit. The collision is caused by the Capsule on the enemies.

When the enemies make contact with Player_Character, they cause Damage as I want.
BUT if the enemies make contact with each other, they also cause damage to each other.

I tried to connect a GET PLAYER CHARACTER node return value pin to the APPLY DAMAGE (Damage Actor input pin) which eliminated the enemies damaging each other problem, BUT NOW any collision the enemies have (like falling from a platform and hitting the ground) causes damage to my Player_Character even if it happens on the other end of the stage.

So basically my Player_Character is taking damage randomly until he’s dead, even if there are no enemies on the screen lol.

I’ve gone through so many collision options and I got nothing.

If you know what to do, please help me out.
Thanks in advance!

Figured it out.

I can’t post a picture of what I did for some reason lol.
I keep getting this “Error parsing the uploaded file” so I’ll verbalize it.

OnComponentHit (exec) pin - BRANCH
OnComponentHit (other actor) pin - ActorHasTag (OnlyMe)
ActorHasTag (return value) - BRANCH (Condition)
BRANCH (exec) pin - ApplyDamage
GetPlayerCharacter (return value) pin - ApplyDamage (Damaged Actor pin)

  • So now the Enemies are NOT damaging each other
  • The Enemies impacting floors or walls is NOT damaging Player_Character
  • The Enemies are properly damaging Player_Character

Looks like everything is working fine now :wink: