Shooter Game - change pawn collision behaviour

Hi. I am currently trying to find exactly where in the shootergame source pawn vs pawn collision is handled.
I am trying to stop pawns from bouncing off from other pawns, any help is appreciated!


I recently noticed this “bouncing” behaviour also exists in the FPS template project. Where are these settings accessible from? This form of behaviour very much needs to be customizable. I have been poking through the source files for the character but turned up nill.


Please note that collision for the Character is handled with the Capsule Component:

Thus, to customize the interaction behavior, you can adjust the size of the Capsule Component and Collision settings.
The reason you haven’t found anything in the source files is because the component is inherited from ACharacter class.
In Character.h you can find the following:

/** The CapsuleComponent being used for movement collision (by CharacterMovement). Always treated as being vertically aligned in simple collision check functions. */
DEPRECATED_FORGAME(4.6, "CapsuleComponent should not be accessed directly, please use GetCapsuleComponent() function instead. CapsuleComponent will soon be private and your code will not compile.")
UPROPERTY(Category = Character, VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true"))
class UCapsuleComponent* CapsuleComponent;

Hope this helped!
Good luck!

Ah!.. There is a particular setting I must have totaly overlooked… Thanks alot for your advice! after going through the settings this time I found this little guy. !


Mystery finaly solved. Thanks!