Material Layer Blend & Tesselation


I have duplicate the function MatLayerBlend_Standard, and connect the node for WorldDisplacement and Tesselation multiplier

but I get those error in my main Material :

Error [SM5] Function SlopeMask: (Node Transform) Invalid node used in vertex/hull/domain shader input!
Error [SM5] Function MatLayerBlend_Standard: (Node MakeMaterialAttributes) Error on property TessellationMultiplier
Error [SM5] Function MatLayerBlend_Standard: (Node Transform) Invalid node used in vertex/hull/domain shader input!

any Idea ?

Hey Talus -

The MatLayerBlend_Standard function outputs a material attirbute set and should only be plugged into a Material Attributes Slot and not a sub slot of Material Attributes like World Displacement or Base Color. You would need to set the Master Material Attribute output to use Material Attributes in its details panel.

If I happen to be misunderstanding your question feel free to reply, and if you can include a picture of your material setup that would be helpful

Thank You

Eric Ketchum