Precomputed Visibibility Cell Height


I’m messing around with Precomputed Visibility and find it may be useful for our project, however, I can’t seem to find a way to tell the cells to be higher. There is a setting for the size in the world settings, but this only scale the X and Y size of the cells.

My problem mostly arise since in our game, sometime the player will be in vehicules that will bring the player camera higher than the cells, thus not using the precomputed visibility at all.

It’s seems to be a pretty obvious thing to set, so I’m wondering where the hell is that setting! :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks in advance!

Well, after searching in the source code, found out it was getting it’s value from the Lightmass .ini file… “PlayAreaHeight”

This should be editable per Precomputed Visibility Volume, so we could adjust it depending on what height the camera can be in the particular volume…