Firing event from another blueprint - Not working


Basically a dead simple blueprint script when i press a key (F) I want it to toggle a boolean inside the HUD to make the logo vanish (or ideally fade). here is the setup:

Here is the hud;

(also was trying to do it entirely inside the HUD but that failed epically, hitting F to turn it off, didn’t work.)

above is in the level blueprint.

I’m confused as anything! All i want is when i hit a key it delays it by two seconds and the logo vanishes!

I don’t see the part in your blueprint that makes a logo go away. All it does it change a boolean, but where is that boolean then used?

Im not sure how the HUD class handles input but you could try and handle that input in a player controller. Player controller class has a GetHUD node that you can cast from and call functions with.