Vehicle Blueprint |WheeledVehicle Class Parameter Change?

i Guys,
Just a question to the Vehicle class , how can I set these parameters ? In Runtime via BluePrint


No Help ? I realy need to know to set up cars in runtime :frowning:

Hi - from what I have been told altering BPM or setting engine rotation speed at run time is not an option. Did you find an alternative way to control speed ?

the blueprint should chain down from the component to that attribute “Mechanical Setup” same procedure if you was setting a character movement – > maxspeed variable…

ill check it out and post a screeny if i get it for yah… but the logic above should be enough =)

ANSWER Below =) Your welcome…

A screenshot would be great if you get a moment - thanks

2 secs ill make one now with the SHiftkey
Well i stand corrected please change the answer from a find not a fix … IT WONT SET lol… it changes in the options but not on the fly

Hi I have promoted the Get Engine Rotation Speed to a variable called MY RPM however when I change this variable it doesn’t seem to impact the speed: