Can someone explain this widget behavior?

I basically want a circle, which is the crosshair, (in the form of a widget) to scale down/down via a timeline for a shooter game.

This is zoomed out:


When zoomed in, it looks like this:

Obviously I want the circle to shrink, not create a new one and shrink that.
I don’t get why this is happening, so hopefully some of you guys do.

P.S. screens are from two different monitors, hence the difference in size of the crosshairs. The “outer” circle, does NOT change size at any time.

Widget and zoom is implemented like this:

Is it possible that you have more than one crosshair on the screen? I would check to be sure you only have one crosshair added to your viewport by any means. I see you add it it in this blueprint’s begin play, do you have any other active blueprints with similar behaviour?

It might be the case somehow. If I change the color of the crosshair it does appear that there are two… Also, I tried implementing the same setup in the first person shooter template. In there, it has the correct intended behaviour.

So you’re probably right.

If you have more than one instance of the blueprint, or it is a parent to another instance of a blueprint spawned in your game, that would also cause this undesired behavior. Food for thought. Be sure to resolve the question should you figure it out, good hunting!

Ahhh… That is very interesting. I actually do have another character standing in the level… I would have never thought of that… I will resume my development tomorrow (monday).

Spiris provided the right clue.

The issue occurred because I had another “static” (as in non-movable) instance of the blueprint in the game.

However, when playing 2-player, the issue remains for obvious reasons.