Any ETA on fixing hole material with blending

I have been looking into the posts going over months, and still haven’t seen any evidence of this being resolved. Blend layers with splatmaps wont allow for holes. You cant repaint with the splat map, so whats the current solution besides deleting a component which takes way to much to cover a hole that size?

Hi Comatos,

You can use holes with any type of landscape material. Step 1) Open up your material, add a LandscapeVisibilityMask node and connect it to the OpacityMask output. Don’t worry that it’s grayed out.

Step 2) Then make a new MaterialInstance with the parent your main landscape material. In the instance, override the Blend Mode to Masked. Then assign the new MaterialInstance to the Landscape’s LandscapeHoleMaterial property.

We have a ticket to remove the need for Step 2. This should be resolved from version 4.8 onwards.


This method doesn’t work at all for me, when using a instance and setting it to masked it wont paint a hole at all. This hasnt been investigated enough obviously, there as so many different ways to setup a landscape material. The only way I can get it to work is to use a none instanced material but then the splat map gets all screwed up.

Have you connected a LandscapeVisibilityMask node to the OpacityMask output of the material? I can’t tell from your image, but this is required for holes to work.

If that’s not the problem, can we have a copy of your material asset to test with?


Yes its connected, ill send the mat asset in a hour

link text

Any word on this yet?

I was testing the subsurface effect int he material, Its currently supposed to be hooked up, but its not a must if thats the issue.

Holes are working correctly with this material in the latest version, but it renders black everywhere else (in the masked instance). I believe the problem is that your material is set up to use a shading model of “Subsurface”, which may not be compatible with the masked opacity blend mode set in the instance. Were you intending to use the subsurface shader?

I’ll check to see if this should be supported or not (if not, there should be an error generated, so there’s still a bug here even if it’s not supported).

This looks like it’s been fixed in 4.7, I’m not sure if the fix made it into the currently released preview or will be in the next one. When painting a hole the material will be black if no other layer is painted (unlike normally where it looks like the first layer) but when properly painted it works perfectly.

So to confirm the important part of this, its working with a splat map? Because I can get this to work but it doesn’t allow for using the splatmap.

It certainly seemed to be fully working using your material.

I retested this with the recent update, and its still not working I have taken the subsurface off but when painting the hole the splat map doesn’t come back, I can go back and paint new information there but it doesn’t take the splat map info. So im left with having to paint a massive terrain by hand to make one hole. I would like to see pictures of you getting this to work on this material with the splat map working after the hole is painted.

Due to what is arguably a bug, if there is nothing painted on a particular landscape component at all, no blend layer, and no holes (which is just a special blend layer) then the Landscape layer blend node will show the first defined layer. If the only layer painted is not one of the layers in the Landscape layer blend node, then you get black instead. This is what happens when you paint holes when you haven’t painted anything else.
It should probably show black in both cases, because you haven’t painted anything (I will discuss this internally).

The easy fix is to go to the painting tool, select the “component brush” and set the size to huge, select your first landscape layer, and click on the landscape.

Note: Make sure you’re using weight-blended (normal) layers, the non-blended layers are for more advanced use and do not interact well with the landscape layer blend material node.

I know how to paint holes, and then paint the landscape, the issue is the splat map, painting one hole defeats the entire purpose of using a splat map. If I paint a hole then I have to go back and re paint the entire landscape for that one hole, which doesn’t use the splat map, can you understand the frustration with that?

The landscape around the hole only goes black if you haven’t painted (or imported) any blend layers, but are using the blend node in your material. Either paint a blend layer, or don’t use the blend node in your material.

Painting one layer once fixes this problem forever. You don’t have to do it after every hole.