[Solved] - Blueprint JoinSession loading to incorrect map

Unreal 4.7.0 Preview 7 - Steam

We have a bare bones test case project derrived from the First Person Sample, and uses blueprints to Host and Join. We have a simple level with two buttons, Host and Join.

Host appears to work. You click Host and create a session and then go to the game map.

The client clicks Join and the FindSession works great, then we JoinSession on the first session found.
(Very Verbose logging turned on)
In the log we see the lobby join just fine, and then the client appears to get direct to join the in-progress game, but is told to Travel to the incorrect map.

[2015.02.12-22.32.06:296][120]LogOnline: Join session: traveling to steam.76561198108265628:7777
[2015.02.12-22.32.06:296][120]LogBlueprintUserMessages: joined ok
[2015.02.12-22.32.06:296][120]LogNet: Browse: steam.76561198108265628//Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/Entry
[2015.02.12-22.32.06:297][120]LogNet:Display: SteamNetDriver_0 bound to port 7777
[2015.02.12-22.32.06:298][120]LogNet: Game client on port 7777, rate 10000

Notice that the map is Entry intead of the expected map FirstPersonExampleMap.
So the client joins but gets stuck in our Entry map.

The blueprint is…

Any ideas as to why this is?

------- Later ---------
Turns out we were missing the listen word in the OpenLevel options field.

This viedo has a great tutorial example at about 15 mnutes in.
A COMPLETE blueprint session setup, join, leave, etc.

Thanks for posting this, I’ve been trying to get this to work for a while now. Finally I got my buddy to join me through steam.

I am having this problem, but the listen keyword is indeed in my openLevel node. My client is opening to the mainmenu instead of the level in progress

Edit: Solved: The problem was I was using the client window to host the game, not the server window. I discovered that this is a bug in play-in-editor and i was able to join the game properly.

Same problem, but with built versions.

Computer 1 with Steam account 1: Session created OK, player is on the map waiting for second player to join.

Computer 2 with Steam account 2: Search sessions OK, joins OK but is stuck on mainmenu.

Open level has listen but the second player won’t load that map for some reason.

option in open level node,add listen!

Did you found a solution? I have the exact same problem and yes i added the listen option when opening the level :frowning:

Did you find a solution? :slight_smile:

did anyone find why this is happening and ofcourse using listen as option oculus quest 2 both headsets see eachother try and join but its the wrong level

that doesn’t work and isn’t the issue

[2021.05.14-12.16.46:220][ 88]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [VRGameInstance_C_2147482596] Created Session Successful!
[2021.05.14-12.16.46:221][ 88]LogGameMode: Display: Match State Changed from InProgress to LeavingMap
[2021.05.14-12.16.46:221][ 88]LogGameState: Match State Changed from InProgress to LeavingMap
[2021.05.14-12.16.46:221][ 88]LogNet: Browse: /Game/VirtualRealityBP/Maps/Map2?listen
[2021.05.14-12.16.46:231][ 88]LogHMD: FSplash::DoShow
[2021.05.14-12.16.46:231][ 88]LogLoad: LoadMap: /Game/VirtualRealityBP/Maps/Map2?listen

but on the other headset oculus Quest 2 it tries to load the wrong map every single time.

Listen is set confirmed in log and isn’t the issue

[2021.05.14-12.16.46:220][ 88]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [VRGameInstance_C_2147482596] Created Session Successful!
[2021.05.14-12.16.46:221][ 88]LogGameMode: Display: Match State Changed from InProgress to LeavingMap
[2021.05.14-12.16.46:221][ 88]LogGameState: Match State Changed from InProgress to LeavingMap
[2021.05.14-12.16.46:221][ 88]LogNet: Browse: /Game/VirtualRealityBP/Maps/BattleArena_01a?listen
[2021.05.14-12.16.46:231][ 88]LogHMD: FSplash::DoShow
[2021.05.14-12.16.46:231][ 88]LogLoad: LoadMap: /Game/VirtualRealityBP/Maps/BattleArena_01a?listen
[2021.05.14-11.24.11:314][815]LogWorld: Bringing World /Game/VirtualRealityBP/Maps/BattleArena_01a.BattleArena_01a up for play (max tick rate 0) at 2021.05.14-07.24.11
[2021.05.14-11.24.11:315][815]LogWorld: Bringing up level for play took: 0.007358
[2021.05.14-11.24.11:355][815]LogOnlineIdentity: Display: OSS: FOnlineIdentityGooglePlay::GetPlayerNickname
[2021.05.14-11.24.11:356][815]LogOnlineVoice: Oculus: Stopping networked voice for user: 0
[2021.05.14-11.24.11:356][815]LogGameMode: Display: Match State Changed from EnteringMap to WaitingToStart
[2021.05.14-11.24.11:356][815]LogGameState: Match State Changed from EnteringMap to WaitingToStart
[2021.05.14-11.24.11:356][815]LogGameMode: Display: Match State Changed from WaitingToStart to InProgress
[2021.05.14-11.24.11:362][815]LogGameState: Match State Changed from WaitingToStart to InProgress
[2021.05.14-11.24.11:362][815]LogHMD: FSplash::OnPostLoadMap Hide Auto Splash
[2021.05.14-11.24.11:363][815]LogLoad: Took 0.487080 seconds to LoadMap(/Game/VirtualRealityBP/Maps/BattleArena_01a)

Map clearly loads into listen and the match apparently is started
I can always see it and the player count set on the other headset both headsets will see the other
both will see player count set/ player name of other headset
but they try to load the wrong level on join session and do nothing

Bump! I started experiencing this a couple days ago and now I’m pulling my hair out. Was a solution to this ever found? I can find plenty of similar threads but none that detail what was done to fix in those instances. Except for the ones where ?listen was missing, which is not my case as my log entry shows;

[ 81]LogGameMode: ProcessServerTravel: /Game/Maps/Lobby?listen