Attach To doesnt work for a a spawned Emitter

Hello! I am using UE4.7, preview 7.

I can spawned some emitters over a network for multiple clients and server. The problem I have is that I cannot attach that spawned particle emitter to a socket in the player mesh.

I created a socket in the spine_01 bone for the Hero TPP template. I am trying to use the ‘Attach To’ function to parent the particle, but whenever I use Snap to Target, the particle will disappear. And if I use any other attach type the particle won’t be attach, it will spawn, but not move at all. Below is the blueprint code I have written.

I tried using the “Set Relative location” node, to reset the location for the particle after it’s moved to 0,0,0 relative to the socket, but it doesn’t appear at all on the game.


After doing a bunch of tests. I found that besides the emitter not being attached, it will spawn at location 0,0,0.

The fire on the right is the place of the trigger hurt. The fire in the left is the 0,0,0 position.

I got around this issue by creating a particle system on the MyCharacter component directly. And simply deactivate and activate that particle system.

Hi Motanum,

I am investigating this report, but I’d like to know a few more details to help. I have set up a small replication test, but my emitters are showing up where they should based on my setup:

If you use a simple setup like this, does it still occur? Can I see what the replication event’s details are set to? What is being sent from the “DotEffectServer” event’s outputs? Can you put a print string to print the vector information? Does it return true if an “IsValid” check for the “Affected Player” output? any additional information may help in the investigation. Thank you!

The problem is not spawning an emitter at location. The problem is using the “Attach To” node to attach it to a socket in the player skeletal mesh, so that the fire would follow the burning player around.

Grab the Spawn emitter at location return value, and try attaching that created particle so it will follow you around.

use Spawn Emitter Attached