How can I get the player's location?

It might be an easy question, but I can’t use the proper keyword to find a solution for that.

So, how could I make a mobile game using Blueprints that determines the player’s real, physical location. (The latitude and longitude on Earth.)

I would not share this information, the game would just calculate with this, making it more special.

And then you can get player pawn location using “Get Actor Location”

You seem lacking knowlage about how gameplay framework works in UE4

What I tried to ask is that if you are playing the game, then the game would get your location (in coordinates). (e.g.: you could determine from which city the player is playing from)

HI ,

I would delete this post and start a new post with a topic such as.

How to I find a players geographical location in the world, i.e. , .

You will get a more precise answer.

You are totally right about that, I should have used the appropriate words. But there is no way to delete a post as far as I know.