Make different colored multiplayer characters

How would I make different, randomly colored models in multiplayer so that the end result is that all of the characters are different colors to each other?

You could go about this two ways depending on what you want to achieve. If you wish for everyone to have different colors you could set their color in the GameMode class in PostLogin. You would also store an array of used colors for each player. You can make a Linear color with random float RGB values and check against colors in the array. Floats also have a neat node called NearlyEqual with a tolerance setting to make sure the next picked color isn’t too similar to any others. Your character would need a variable called PlayerColor or something set to repNotify so clients can see the changes when they spawn in. The OnRepPlayerColor would just set the MaterialInstanceDynamic parameter that you set.

However if you just want random colors all around you could do something similar just in the begin play of the character set a random color. You do want to still have a RepNotify player color so other players can see the effect.

Let me know if this helps or if you need some examples. I’m assuming this would be in blueprints though I cannot be positive because neither Tags nor Group of this question would suggest so.

Yes, I do need some help with completing this. How would I go about doing this in blueprints (and be specific since I’m pretty new!) and if I can’t do it in a blueprint, I can do it in C++, but you’d have to explain that in detail as well. Thanks in advance!