[Feature] - Do While etc

Please add while loops, do-while to Blueprints. The single for loop and for loop with break are somewhat limited.

There is a while loop…


I think he also wants a Do While Loop, meaning it will loop once even if the Condition is false. (I actually want this too)

Hey SND R Keene-

Thank you for your suggestion. As mentioned it is possible to use a while loop within blueprints already. I have logged a feature request to add a Do While Loop node to blueprints (UE-9931) for further consideration by our development team.


Any progress on this front?

You can just loop the nodes then

You can double click the while loop and see how it’s implemented and write your own do while loop based on that :slight_smile:

Hey -

This feature request for a do while loop node is still open in our system. Let me know if 's or suggestions help you.


Yea I got a workaround (a While loop after the looping part). It’s just not as clean as I’d like, so I do still hope Do While loops will eventually get implemented.

I could write my own in a library but it feels like something basic that should be included in the engine.

I just added this function to the macro list Do While Loop,IncrementByte, DecrementByte and CompareByte, and sent to Epic Staff, waiting reply, have a nice day.

Whenever I come across a function that I feel should be part of the standard BP library I add a macro for it. Naturally, a DoWhile loop was one of the first things I added. It’s quite simple.

Edit: To get a no-name execution input you name the input “execute”. To get a no-name execution output it seems common practice to name it " ", a blank space character. That’s how it’s done in the Standard Macros.