How To Set Scalability Settings For Packaged Windows Applications

Hi All,

I can set the scalability settings from the Quick Settings menu, and it affects the Play In Editor fine. However it does not affect the Launch experience, or more significantly, the Package For Windows feature. Thus I cannot create a standalone executable using the reduced scalability settings. Is this possible with version 4.0.1?

I have the same doubt. I’ve been playing with the different .ini files without any result. Did you find a way to do it ?

I third this. Things run a bit choppy on epic settings, but they’re exceptionally smooth on medium. Is there any way to set this for packaged games or what? I’ve pretty much messed with everywhere I could in the ini files as well.

I found a temporary fix here. Go into Program Files\Unreal Engine\4.0\Engine\Config, back up your BaseScalability.ini to some other folder, then change every single value to the one you want.

For example, change [ResolutionQuality@3]
r.ScreenPercentage=-1 to [ResolutionQuality@3]
r.ScreenPercentage=50 etc.

Then when you package your game it’ll use these settings. Unfortunately this means every one of your end-users has to play the game using your settings.

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Hi, same for me here, modifying Scalability.ini does not help;

  • Saved\Config\CleanSourceConfigs\Scalability.ini is reset with default values at each launch
  • Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\Scalability.ini is emptied at each launch

And documentation ( does not seem accurate ; packaged application does not have “WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Config/” directory


What you mean by end-users?

Maybe he refers to high-end users, that have a powerful machine to run the game in epic but by default the game is in lower configuration

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No Copto, end users means: your players