UMG Menu show mouse

i´m currently testing my new menu which i created using umg… the menu itself works just fine and everything but there seems to be a problem regarding the command to open it through the level blueprint

(i simplyfied it because my level blueprint is a little bit messy ^^")

if i press Ecape the menu opens but the mouse cursor seems to be out of the ue4 application, i have to click one time on the menu so the cursor is back inside the application and than i can use the menu how it´s supposed to…
if i quit the menu i have to click at the window once again so the game recognizes the mouse input…

maybe someone knows a better way to implement the menu or has a solution for this problem, that would be great :smiley:

It’s always good to map your inputs in Project Settings/Input instead of using keys like that directly. Escape might be tied to something else removing focus from your blueprint. Also, what might be happening is that your cursor is hidden in the game and once you spawn HUD it stays that way. Try changing Cursor Visible inside your player controller when you show/hide your HUD.

ah, mapping it in the project settings is new to me (saw it with the controls but thats it), do you have a tutorial or something at hand for me? :slight_smile: