Citadel-style input in UE4

I’m trying to prototype (using Blueprints at the moment) an input system similar to the one used in UDK’s Epic Citadel, in which the player drags over the entire screen to look, and taps the screen to drop navigation targets in the world.

I’ve got the functionality all working nicely on PC, but I can’t see a nice way of adding touch support due to the lack of sophisticated touch events to distinguish between taps, drags, tap-and-holds, and so on. In my attempts to solve this, I’ve run into the following bug:

Has anyone implemented such a system and can point me to a solution, or can they shed light on why per-tick input wouldn’t be working?

See below for a simple blueprint in which constant per-tick input doesn’t work at all, but works fine when hooked up to a different event.

Check out the Mobile Touch Navigation, Market Place item :slight_smile:

Works great, thanks. Not sure how I missed that one. Looks like the author of that asset ran into the same issue as me but found a workaround. :slight_smile: