Accessed None error from node

Hi, I’m getting hundreds of accessed none errors in my chunk creator but I don’t really understand why or what they do? They’re all pointing towards the set entrance piece which sets one of the 4 sections in my chunk. Any help would be great.

Basically what this means is the input into this node is none or null or whatever you wanna call it.

An invalid reference. It seems your array is out of bounds or not filled or something like that :wink:

This is more often than not caused by a null reference. If you’re trying to access an object or one of its properties, use the IsValid? node first to see if it’s an existing object. If you try to act upon it and it does not yet exist or has been destroyed, you will get this error. Sometimes it happens when you don’t even call the function that would fire it. Always check your references (and in C++, your pointers).

Ah thank you, found an array that’s telling me that it’s not in scope, I’m guessing that it’s probably that

This is usually caused by having two events (Like say, On Key Press A and On Key Press B) in a blueprint
that have flow of control cross over between them.

This causes memory corruption style issues, and often in completely unrelated areas of blueprints something fails with the mysterious “Access None” message.

Also I do not recommend ever having variable access and such cross between streams. That is just ugly and not supportable.

It would be nifty if the editor detected function crossover like this. It would have saved me a ton of time and headaches.

So here is an example.

Like this…


And here it is fixed…



I built my entire project using Branches → Not= to “None” to check for validity not knowing about the “Is Valid” node. Took me a while to fix that and other related issues :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey thanks for this, I clicked answered on somebody else’s post a while back because I gave up, just saw this post you made and tried it out, fixed straight away

Is this real? Still a present bug? Why can we even do that if it’s that problematic?

“Is Valid” doesen’t seem to work for me in this case… still the same error

ok I got solve my problem. thanks

Further use of Unreal Engine over several months has clarified this issue.

It is not having a node be called from two events. That ALONE is ok. The problem is if you use an output of a node from one event in another event. The output will be invalid if the node it comes from was not called before the common node.

So my above screen shot example will actually work just fine. But if the Delta Seconds was used in the common print node (e.g. Delta was {d}) then in the Begin Play event it will be invalid (likely garbage or 0).

And how did you fix it? Quite rude to ask for help then figure out said problem and not even post it.

I agree with stabbedbyapanda. If you solve it then please post your answer.

I just ran into this issue. Seems like some arrays dont get time to be populated with objects, before they are called in the loading phase. The isValid execute node solved this issue for me. Example of use.

I’ve been testing this for a while now, and I can confirm - sometimes the Accessed None error occurs when there certainly is a reference, and its right before your eyes, and your casting to it properly. Adding an IsValid sometimes suppresses the error, but sometimes it will occur anyway.

As my project has grown, I have had to add a vast quantity of IsValids through my blueprints to maintain stability, which begs the question - why do we need to IsValid something at every node to avoid these errors, especially when the event occurs regardless of the error? Is it the complexity of a blueprint or project, or some other factor that starts to demand all these validations?

I can justify a blueprint bloated with IsValids to prevent a bloated log file, but is that worth it?

I have just recently started getting this error and cannot for the life of me figure out what is causing it. Essentially I have a variable that is a reference to another actor in my project, which is a direct copy of another project I have with the only difference being the old project is top down and this new one is 3rd person. The issue only occurs in the third person project and occurs every time the reference to the actor is called by anything. I just can’t figure out why it works perfectly in my topdown project but duplicated exactly in my third person project I get “Error Blueprint Runtime Error: Accessed None trying to read property Inventory Reference from function: ‘ExecuteUbergraph_ThirdPersonCharacter’ from node: Show Inventory in graph: EventGraph in object: ThirdPersonCharacter with description: Accessed None trying to read property Inventory Reference” or some variation of it every time my Inventory actor BP is attempted to be referenced. Previously whenever I ran into this issue it was because a function was being called before the parent had had time to actually be created in the world and adding a small delay prior to calling the function in the event graph would fix it…this time however that is absolutely not the issue and thus far nothing has worked in trying to remedy the problem, aside from deleting the actor and recreating it and the 50 or so functions within it I am at a loss.

Make a new Post. Attach screenshots where you create/reference the Inventory and where you try to access the inventory.

Thank you, I recently was having this issue and your fix solved the problem instantly! Very Much Appreciated!

I signed in just to say THANK YOU. This was exactly what was happening in my blueprint. It makes sense too: when you link multiple references to a node that accepts only one pointer, the calling node is ambiguous.