OffWorld Rendering

I am working on a full scale galaxy generation.

Generation breaks on a 3 levels

L0 - generation nebulaes and constant visualisation

L1 - generation stars

L2 - generation star systems.

What do i need:

  1. Render L0 and L1 results to a scene

  2. Capture scene to a texture if L2 result changed and cleanup L0 and L1 results

  3. Use texture as material for skybox and render L2

In DirectXSDK i can use different render tagets and merge it in one frame, but in UE4 i did`nt find way to do this.

How it posible do in one Frame in UE?

PS: Sorry for my english.

Ok. Deep in engine sources i found the solution.

We can not change main render target or render scene in pre frame. But we can launch second render target with own scene by creating new UWorld. It`s work. A successfuly generated cube map in second render and set it on a skybox in main render.