How can I resolve the error: "unparsed class: '/Script/Kismet.BlueprintPaletteFavorites'"?

I had this error while compiling a custom game plugin

Compiling with Mac SDK 10.8
Parsing headers for SpineWorkspaceEditor
/Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.0/Engine/Source/Editor/UnrealEd/Classes/Editor/EditorUserSettings.h(301) : Error: In EditorUserSettings: Invalid reference to unparsed class: ‘/Script/Kismet.BlueprintPaletteFavorites’

Sometimes when i change the list of modules in
new string[]

Never removing “Core”, I get errors like “Unkwnown type name uint64”, “Use of undeclared identifier UObject”, etc…, in headers like ObjectBase.h. classes are in the Private folder in this module, except for the one that inherits from IModuleInterface.

Plugin implementation details seems very obscure :S, even trying to imitate the existing ones. I’m trying to introduce a new type of asset and a viewer, and i’m following the Paper2D Sprite, creating the AssetTypeActions class, etc… but I end totally lost. Plus I’m doing it as a game plugin cause i can’t figure out how to build it as an editor plugin. Maybe i’m doing too much questions too soon.

No good luck with

Compiling with Mac SDK 10.8 Parsing headers for SpineWorkspaceEditor /Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.0/Engine/Source/Editor/UnrealEd/Classes/Editor/EditorUserSettings.h(301) : Error: In EditorUserSettings: Invalid reference to unparsed class: ‘/Script/Kismet.BlueprintPaletteFavorites’

Still stuck with this error.

Encountering the same issue right now. It only popped up after I encountered this issue and solved it as described. Not sure what caused the nvTriStrip issue in the first place, and I’m not 100% sure this is related to that. Anyone know?

I was getting this issue for adding “Kismet” as a dependency. Seems like this shouldn’t matter, but it turns out adding “UnrealEd” BEFORE “Kismet” did the trick. Seems odd that one module would depend on another like that, but that seems to be the case.

I’ve just encountered this error myself while implementing a new asset type in a plugin, thanks to @DanH for pointing out that the key to working around this is changing the order in which dependencies are specified. In my case the plugin specified UnrealEd and AssetTools as dependencies, and UnrealEd had to be specified before AssetTools in order to avoid the unparsed class error.