Timeline curve in c++


I currently am working on an automated door system coded entirely in C++. So far so good, I get the door moving in any direction I desire with FMath::VInterpTo().

However, I would like to use a curve drawn by the user, something like the BP Timeline Curve (just like that https://d3ar1piqh1oeli.cloudfront.net/5/5d/CubicLockedKeyframe1_DT.png/800px-CubicLockedKeyframe1_DT.png taken from A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums).

I however am unable to find a component, or a way to let the user edit a curve in the editor properties of my class. Any leads on that ?

Thanks in advance.

You can do that:

UPROPERTY(EditInstanceOnly, Category = Tools, DisplayName = "Test Curve")
UCurveFloat* mCurve;

This will enable you to have a link to a FloatCurve in the editor. To create such a curve, rigth click in the Content Browser to create a new asset, under the Miscelleanous section, you will find Curve. Here is a screenshot to help:

That is EXACTLY what I needed, thanks a lot !