Can an Actor draw to the HUD?

I’m trying to get an actor to draw to the HUD (A position indicator). The HUD Draw methods are exposed to the Actor classed BP and it compiles fine, but I’m not seeing anything onscreen.

I think instead of the objects drawing themselves to the HUD, your HUD should find the objects (possibly using Get All Actors Of Class) and keep the drawing code there.

Thanks for the response, I can see the logic there as it keeps the code centralized in the HUD, thus avoiding “lost code”. There’s a case however of having more modular system where Actors can draw to the HUD regardless of the HUD’s state. This was very helpful in UDK as a debugging tool, and could be easier for some users to grasp as well. Also, having it exposed in the Actor BP, including the ability to poll the PC and get HUD, etc. is a bit confusing as it “seems” like it should work. /My 2 cents

You can do something like this. In your Actor create Getter (Like GetCurrentActorLocation), which will return current actor position, and expose it to blueprint.
Then you just create Blueprint hud, get your current actor, drop your new function and draw result in HUD.

I’m not sure if that is optimal solution, but I did something like this for showing Target Health and it worked fine.