[4.6.1] No solution left in AnimBlueprint

Guess I found another “No exit” problems…where none solution exist and we need to sacrifice something…there are somethings I want to do but I barely knows how to accomplish that:

  1. How can I blend multiples slots with the function Layered Blend per Bone like the image below…because i used two slots…and or I lose the animation of first one or the second

  2. I have two Aim Offset…they work fine and i want to know how configure them to play depending the result of boolean…

  3. Why the Blend Poses by Bool ignored the logic I build before?

  4. How plug all this in the final pose ???

When you find the answer, please post it here so we can learn as well :slight_smile:

To resolve all you need to save the cache pose from every single blend by bone and use this on next blend by bone or Aim offset…this way you connect all the inputs