Which cooking mode should I use for Android launch?


When I try to launch and Android, every cooking scenario available in the Project Launcher has problems.

By the Book : for a new project without starter content, launching or re-launching takes 1 minute and 30 seconds, a third of that of that being cooking. That is just the time when no change has been made to the project. Simply launching, with no change, always takes at least one minute and a half.

On the Fly : for the same project, it only takes 30 seconds to launch, but my Android target only shows a black screen. It doesn’t work.

Do not Cook : at 23 seconds, it is the fastest, but simply nothing happens on the device, not even an error. It’s like the engine didn’t even start.

The only option is the “by the book”, which has to be manually enabled from the “advanced” menu and takes considerable time (more than 3 minutes for small levels). Why is that ? How can I make this faster ?

I’m using UE 4.7.0 Preview 8 with a nVidia Shield Tablet, with TADP3. I launch the project with the default texture format with ES2.
