How can I add more wheels that can be simulated?


I’m trying to add more wheels to my current vehicle blueprint, but once I add the 5th or 6th wheel, the vehicle just falls through the ground. I need to accurately simulate the wheels and not just fake it.

I followed the advice given here and here, but it only gives me the correct spinning rotation, but not the movement. I tried adding a spring controller, but it doesn’t work at all for me, it just stays the same.

So how can I add more wheels to my model?
Is it possible to do it in blueprints or will I need to go into the code to add the functionality?
Why is there an option to add more wheels, but it doesn’t work?
If I need to go into the code, how should I go about doing it?

I really hope that this will get fixed soon as this is really doing more harm than good at the moment.



We don’t have full n-wheeled support right now, but you could add this yourself. If you take a look at UWheeledVehicleMovementComponent4W you’ll see that we are using the 4 wheeled PhysX simulation. You could write a new class called UWheeledVehicleMovementComponentNW which would wrap around the n wheel simulation that PhysX provides.

I realize this isn’t ideal, I’m hoping we can get some more work scheduled on this soon.

I’ll take a look at it to see what I can do.
I’m looking forward to see what will become of this in the future.

Did you get somewhere? I am facing the same problem ATM. Will also take a look what I can do…

Not at the moment, no, sorry.
This has been moved to low priority and will be looked into once we decide to move further with the project.
If you figure it out, you are more than welcome to post your answer here.

I’ve extended the default UWheeledVehicleMovementComponent and so far it seems to work.

I’m not a programmer so I have no idea how to do that.
Could you explain how you did that?
I’m glad you figured out how to make it work.

Basically I have copied parts of this class into a new one. That way I was able to change all calls to the physx vehicle.

The link gives the error 404 not found, but I have found the script.
I have no idea how to make it cover all the wheels though.
I’ll just get one of our programmers to look into it.

Ah yes, the link only works if your logged into github with your unreal account. forgot about that…