Do server hostings have to pay royalty?

Do you mean distributing UE4 to developers via hosted servers? That’s not permitted by the EULA.

What i mean a hosting makes money by selling game servers to customers. But what about an UE4 game server?

I couldn’t find any info about it.

Thanks in advance!

No i mean if i have a multi-player game which is playable through game servers hosted by hosting companies. Do they have to pay the 5% royalty fee after each sold game server.
For example:
Counter-Strike server hostings don’t have to pay after the source enigne.
But the BF4 server hostings have to pay.
An example company who is specialized to sell game servers.

So if you developed a UE4 game under the EULA, and then you charged for server hosting for that game, I’d say that would be royalty bearing revenue for the game.
But if you just run a server hosting service that charges to host servers for various games including UE4 games, but you’re not the developer, you wouldn’t owe a royalty because you’re not a licensee in that respect. But if you gave half of that money to the developer, that developer would owe royalties on that revenue.

Excellent! Thank you for your time :slight_smile: