Editable array keeps runtime-generated entries

I received the annoying “Accessed none CallFunc_Array_Get_Item in node Construction Script” error message in version 4.6.1.

The Construction Script in question is completely empty. By now I realized that it just doesn’t trace back the error to the right node, but it tells me what node to look out for: Array_Get_Item.
In the Event Graph there is a ForEach loop, which in it’s macro contains a Get function call. As it is the only one, this should be the culprit.

Next, I checked the array itself. It is not null (or none, as it is apparently called in UE4). It gets filled with two entries in another Blueprint’s Construction Script. Yet, I noticed during runtime it contained more entries. The first couple were empty (none) the final two were the actual entries. So the Get function hits empty entries, causing the error message. But why are they there?

I solved the issue by calling Clear on the array as the first step in the Construction Script where it gets filled.
It is set to Editable and Expose on Spawn, so the other Blueprint (where Get is called) can reach it. Maybe that causes, that it doesn’t lose it’s entries, even though the game ends and is restarted, but the objects the entries point to are gone and leave none-entries behind?

It doesn’t hurt much, just adding the Clear call, but it took me hours to come up with this simple solution… and other people might suffer the same fate. So I guess, it’s worth reporting.

I have the same issue, trying to figure this out.