Can't package Linux build in 4.6.1

I (and a fellow developer on a different project) have followed these guides: piinecone — Building and deploying a UE4 dedicated server for... A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums

and when we package a Linux build in Unreal (the editor) I get the following build errors (log in url, please look towards the end):

Here is the Cook.txt file:

Me and another developer have been trying to figure this stuff out, and are both stuck on the same(ish) problems with trying to get linux builds working, with the ultimate goal of having Linux dedicated servers working.


Turns out I had an error in my game source code, which only triggered when compiling for linux. I fixed the error, and now it goes smoothly.

I still had the issue of only being able to cook content through the editor however, and then Rcl pointed out that my cook command was faulty; this is the command line he pasted for me to use:

RunUAT.bat buildcookrun -project="ABSOLUTE FILEPATH TO .uproject HERE" -clean -build -cook -stage -pak -platform=Linux -clientconfig=Development -allmaps

(this is done in the “UnrealEngine/Build/BatchFiles/” folder)
all cred goes to Rcl