How can i change crosshair into hand when im looking at interact object?

I want to change crosshair into hand when im looking at interactive object, so i can see which object is interactive on the scene. Please post some screenshots that would help me do it. Thank you all for your time.

once you know if the object is interactive in your HUD blueprint add an if statement,
If the object is interactive draw texture(and make the texture a hand in the middle of the screen) if it’s false then draw the normal crosshair.

ok, but how can i check if the object is interactive?

I make the blueprint interface which im adding to any blueprint props to make the object interactive (i can interact with the object, for example to switch the light on and off in the lamp). and when i move my crosshair on the lamp i want to change it to image of a hand.

Thanks that helped me to get this done.

What does interactive mean? You’ll have to specify.

I still don’t understand, but maybe what you want to do is use a line trace like this, every tick:

Then use an if node to compare if actor == [Any interactive BP] then wire that into an if statement, and that into a boolean setting it true.
If the if statement is false than set the boolean to false.

I forgot to mention this should all be in the player’s blueprint.