Skybox material changes in game

So I used a free tool to make a custom skybox (I know it’s a cube and that I should use a sphere. I’m still learning how to do that sort of thing. Here is how it looks in the static mesh editor. the blacks are pretty good, colors look believableish, basically, etc.

Once I actually make this my skybox though, EVERYTHING CHANGES:

Neon purple, heavy pixelation… what the heck happened? I set it to unlit material, not to receive any light from the world, no shadows, etc. Even tried LOD settings. My texture looked fine through the texture, material, and static mesh editors, but in game it goes nuts. What’s happening??

If your game has no light or is really dark, it could be that Auto Exposure in your post process volume is going nuts.

If you don’t have a post process volume set up, then that is definitely the issue.

Make sure you have at least one post process volume that the player is inside. If you don’t want to worry about the size of the volume, set the “Unbound” property of the volume to true.

Once you have a post process volume, set the Auto Exposure min brightness to 1.0 and your max brightness to 1.0 to disable the effect.

Aha, I see. Yeah, I tried it on my player camera’s post process settings. Is there a difference between doing it through the camera and with a volume?

No, as long as you are sure the settings are taking affect.
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My phone made a mistake. Thank you!

well this is disabling the Eye adaptation. what he requires is excluding the skybox from any brightness adjustments