Inventory Structure - Can't pick any item image

What type does the image variable have?

Basically what happens is when I try to set up the image to match the item inside the inventory blueprint I’m creating, I can not chose anything from my asset library, it appears to be empty (it’s not).

I’m following this tutorial:

I can’t even manually pull the texture from my library to ItemImage window to set it.

What did I do wrong?

I’m sorry, but I don’t understand the question - where do I check it?

I’m a complete newbie when it comes to blueprints, apologies.

Variable type is “InventoryStructure”, but there’s no details about the image.

Oh, I think I got it now.

ItemImage is set to Light Map Texture 2d, that’s probably the issue.

Sorry for being stupid.

Yup, that was the issue. Looks like I rushed a bit and didn’t notice the wrong type of a 2d texture chosen… Thanks guys, it’s fixed now :slight_smile:

Well a struct defines a few variables which you can then use like in this case the Item (as actor) the Item Image and the PickupText.

Inside of the struct you have to name the variables and pick a type. Which type does the item image have?

You will need to open up the “InventoryStructure” Blueprint, look for the variable “ItemImage” and see the type there.

Ok let me step one step back.

Alright so you created the struct (this starts at 7:30 in your video). You set the image to Texture2D and imported the images like at the very beginning of the tutorial. Please check again if you followed everything exactly.

Since this is a Texture2D variable you will only be able to use pictures and not materials or 3d objects / meshs or whatever which means if you did not import anything of this type this list will be default be empty since the starter content does not contain any.

So please do check again if you followed every single step exactly.

No worries!

Happens to everyone from time to time. Just banging the head over and over against some problem with the most simple answer! :wink: