Infinite Looping UI Bug

When working with UI Widgets, if you add the parent of your current widget as a child in your current widget, the editor infinite loops and becomes unresponsive.


Inventory->Item Tooltip->Inventory

where “Inventory” and “Item Tooltip” are separate custom UI Widgets, and “->” means literally “has child”

So you make a looping chain of widgets? Do you have a function iterating through the childs or something? Is the second Inventory the same as the first one or a new one?

Hello Marktopus,

I was unable to reproduce this issue on our end. After I reparent a blueprint (we will call it WidgetParent) to another blueprint (we will call it WidgetChild) The widget that is the parent (WidgetParent) of the current widget (WidgetChild) cannot be selected as a choice when trying to reparent the current widget (WidgetChild). The parent widget is just not listed as an option once it has been set as the parent of the current widget (WidgetChild)

Here is a picture:

I have a few questions that will help narrow down what issue it is that you are experiencing.

Quick questions:

  1. What version of the engine are you using?
  2. Can you reproduce this in a clean project?
  3. If so, could you provide a detailed list of steps to reproduce this issue on our end?

Didn’t he meant to just add the ParentWidget as a ChildWidget to its own child?

ParentWidget->ChildWidget->ParentWidget[child of ChildWidget].

Or did he really meant to reparent? Didn’t sound like that to me xD

Hello Marktopus,

After looking into the issue and after considering what said I was able to reproduce this issue. This is a known issue (UE-1334). Thank you for your time and information. Thank you as well for your insight :-).

Make it a great day

Has this bug been resolved? I am facing the same issue with 4.19 version.,Has this big been resolved? I am facing the same issue with 4.19 version.