Flipbook decal not starting on frame 1

Basically I have a projectile which teleports you to wherever it hits, and then adds an animated decal. Well I want to have the animation just play once, but it seems to start on whatever frame it feels like. Am I right in assuming that flipbooks are typically supposed to be for looping animations or is there a function built in that I’m missing?

If this is for a decal, you are only using a material to do this effect, right? Can you post your material graph?

Yup, here it is.

I was looking for a similar solution and i think i found out what you need to do. Instead of using Time in your material, use a parameter. Then where you spawn your decal, set a timer. Use the “get timer elapsed time” node and set your parameter to this on event tick. If you’re using a dynamic material instance, this should cycle your texture from 0-1 based on when it spawns, not on the overall time. Hope this helps!

Here’s a few screenshots to better explain the my solution

Oh man thanks a ton dude. Seems so obvious now lol, just glad that it’s working correctly now!

I was having the same problem. This fixed it. Thanks!

Hello, your solution is very useful to me.But I don’t understand the function which named ‘DecalTimer’. Can you take a screenshot of it?Thank you very much!