Why isnt my UE4 Building In Visual Studio Express 2013

Hi , everytime i try to build of my UE4 I get 3 errors

Error 3 error MSB3073: The command “…..\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat UE4Editor Win64 Development” exited with code -1. C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets 38 5 UE4

Error 2 error : Failed to produce item: C:\GITHUB\UnrealEngine\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-VSAccessor.dll C:\GITHUB\UnrealEngine\Engine\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\ERROR UE4

Error 1 error C1083: Cannot open include file: ‘atlbase.h’: No such file or directory C:\GITHUB\UnrealEngine\Engine\Source\Developer\Windows\VSAccessor\Private\VSAccessorModule.cpp 19 1 UE4

Im lost with what to do, can any one assist? it would be a great help

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