AddOnScreenDebugMessage is disabled?

Hi all,

I am new to Unreal, I am using version 4.6.1.
The problem that I encounter is that i cannot get the:

GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Yellow, TEXT(“HELLO WORLD”));

to draw on the screen. After alot of searching on google and in the engine log i found this message:
LogEngine: Onscreen warnings/messages are now DISABLED

I am wondering where i can enable the screenmessages. I am going through some tutorials and it would be usefull to get the data printed to my screen :smiley:

Does someone has any idea where i can enable this option? in the source there is a bool what checks if its enabled i don’t know where to change the bool: UEngine::AddOnScreenDebugMessage | Unreal Engine Documentation

When i open an empty project I get it to work but i kinda need it working in the project i got from a friend.

Thanks in advance!

Found the solution. In the blueprint of the gamemode a the DISABLEALLSCREENMESSAGES was called.