Event Actor End Overlap firing on Begin Overlap? [4.6]

I’ve got a simple blueprint that fires a widget when our hero overlaps with a box trigger (a component inside the blueprint). My issue is that the Event Actor End Overlap fires at the same exact time as the Begin Overlap does and I cannot figure out why. Just to be clear, the player is outside the trigger and enters INTO the trigger, the End Overlap is firing. When the hero leaves the overlap trigger, however, the End Overlap fires as it should. Why is this happening?


Exact same thing for me, having a volume around a tree where I want it to spawn a fruit everytime im pressing a button While inside the volume. I can only do this once as when I press my button the end overlap immeadiately fires off. I have to walk outside and back into it again to be able to trigger my fruit spawning again.

Ok it’s been a few weeks since I solved this, but I did, but I don’t remember exactly what the issue was. I’m away from my computer for a few days so I’ll check my solution when I get back.

In the meantime, look at your trigger volume. I’ve found that sphere triggers don’t won’t reliably. Try a large box trigger and see if that changes anything.

Found out how to, just had to set Enable input on beginoverlap and on a different event do what I want. works now.