Tiled world import is broken

Ok guys evendently this has slipped by for a while but This is totally stopped me in my tracks.

World Machine tiled world import is completely broken. I dont understand how this has gone ignored or not noticed for so long. I see that people have gotten continuous wolds into the game engine but That does change the fact that UnrealEd is Flipping the whole thing. if you use the Flip y export in WorldBuilder so that you can get continuous terrain you can then fly up above you terrain and look back and notice that it will be flipped in both X and Y. While this is fine for generic landscapes but if you need this a certain way and/or are reproducing a real world location this is unacceptable. I have taken the files into Photoshop as well as other programs and the files that are coming out of WorldMachine are correct it is Unreal that is flipping them. Please Can someone tell me a fix for this even if I have to apply a patch and compile as long as I can get this done.

So there are 2 problems :
1: the order of import is wrong compared to the export order of WM casueing users to use the FlipY option.

2: Once flip Y is enabled However once imported into unreal bot the X and Y axis are flipped.

Hi ,

I believe I responded to your forum post as well, however I was able to reproduce this and have entered a bug report, UE-10544 to be assessed by the development staff. For now, the only known workaround is to manually move the tiles to a proper rotation.

There has been a fix put forward for this and is scheduled for 4.8 release, any idea how long that will be?

At present I do not have a timeframe of when 4.8 is going to be released. Please keep an eye on the announcement and releases section of the forums, located here: