[4.7] Missing 64-bit support (IOS, APPLE STORE)

Bulding IPA with Window

  • **Using MAC “OXS Yosemite” and “app loader” to send the app on itune connect **

Hello, I could finally fix my problem of Invalid Signature with the master branch and made a new “iPhonePackager”

But now i have a new email from apple store :

Missing 64-bit support - Beginning on February 1, 2015 new iOS apps
submitted to the App Store must
include 64-bit support and be built
with the iOS 8 SDK. Beginning June 1,
2015 app updates will also need to
follow the same requirements. To
enable 64-bit in your project, we
recommend using the default Xcode
build setting of “Standard
architectures” to build a single
binary with both 32-bit and 64-bit

I tried to find out answer on the forum :
I found : [Support for new 64-bit apps requirements from Apple - Mobile - Epic Developer Community Forums][1]

I used these settings :

I took the GITHUB version of 4.7 to be able to check :

  • Support arm64 in Shipping
  • Support armv7s in Shipping

Could you help me find a way to be able to send my app to the apple store? :x
I am on it since 1 week ~~’ and every time i fix something, another problem pop’s out ! ;o

Thank you for reading!

Ok i made it ! forget my post :smiley:

im having the same problem how did you fix it