[4.7 - Preview 8] Emissive Material Billboard Flickers

In a new empty scene, I’ve created an actor with a Material Billboard (Screen Space).
When the camera is pulled out, the material flickers wildly.

The only way I’ve managed to stop it from flickering is to make it translucent and disable DepthTest (this is not a good solution for me)

I’ve attached a sample project to reproduce this easily:
Project Download

Simply load the level and Zoom out
until the glowing green square

Any help is greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

Note: This issue seems to have been introduced between preview 5-7 (It does not flicker in my copy of preview 4).
Note 2: The material does not flicker if the actor is selected in the scene outliner

Hey Grogger -

Thank You for your report. This is a known issue that we are working on resolving, for reference UE-4725, I will update you as soon as we identify a solution.

Thank You Again -

Eric Ketchum

Hey Grogger -

The issue is still about bounds and how the Material Billboard calculates bounds in relation to Screen and World space which is the issue reported in UE-4725. Your example is a different variation on the same issue reported earlier. If we feel during the investigation that this needs its’ own report I will update you hear with the new issue number. Currently the issue reports are internal only, but posting it here will allow any Staff member to immediately identify and help you.

Thank You Again and I will keep you posted.

Eric Ketchum

Hi Eric, thanks for the update.

Are you certain this is UE-4725? That issue was reported last October, while this problem has only begun occurring in 4.7 preview ~5. (I don’t know where to access the bug reports, but I found a post from October)

Again without seeing the bug report or its status, the issue presented in that thread refers to billboards culling by it’s pivot point, while the blinking presented in my report is blinking without movement when far away

Thanks again, I’m just looking to make sure this is the same bug.