Is there a down side to having alot of LODs on a for a single mesh?

Hi guys im just wondering is their a down side to having alot of LODs for one mesh, my example being Grass, and is there a way to get smooth transition between the LODs that i use, and if so how would i do this?

The downsides are that for each LOD it has it’s own material ID assigned to it so you’ve now got an extra material slot, however, with lower LODs there are not as many vertices that need to be calculated.

For the transition there is not a transition smoothing for standard static mesh LODs, but with meshes using the Foliage Tool there is a smoothing transition between the two now, which you can see a demo of here.

The plan is to use that for static mesh LODs as well, but that has not been implemented yet.

If you have concerns about performance with LODs the best option is to always test and use profiling to see if you’re getting any slow downs and where. That way you can try to work on alleviating those problem areas.

Thanks for the reply, the LODs i am creating is for grass being placed with the Foliage Tool, is there something i need to do to enable this smooth transition between LODs or is it automatic?

It’s automatic so long as the mesh has LODs already setup for it.