Component's variable in declared in c++ not showing up on actor's detail panel

I have a component derived from USceneComponent, and declared a view variables in there.
In the editor, I create an actor BP and added the component I created.
Place the actor in the editor, click it, and none of the variables I declared appeared in the “details” panel, it appears in the blueprint editor though.

Is this a bug ?

Please advice.

Did you create the variables like this in your header file?

UPROPERTY(Category = Move, EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite)
	float rotadd;

Yes I did. I experimented with “Export”, “Instanced”, etc. Nothing works.

Hmm EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite combo should allow you do variables in the individual bp instances in the editor huh.

Did you create the variables before or after you attached the code to the bp?

I recreated the BP a few times, still doesn’t work. Also I mentioned, the variables show up in the BP editor under components tab, but not showing up in the details panel after I placed the actor in the world.

Yeah, I had that same issue last night and changed it to That particular UPROPERTY to fix it because I wanted to change each enemy(same bp) to different movements.

Did you close down/restart the editor?

UPROPERTY(Category = Gameplay, EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = “true”))

Yup, nothing.

Another thing, if I derive AActor and create the said component with CreateDefaultSubobject and save it in a variable with “Instanced”, then all the variables show up properly in the “details” panel. Looks like this is only the case with actor BP.

Not possible, but there’s a work around, see link for solution