How to create a right mouse click event with Blueprint?

The standard mouse click event only listens for the left mouse button. How would I create an event that listens for the right mouse button?

There is a right click one too…

Input > Mouse > Right mouse button… It has click and released as outputs…

The proper way of setting up input for you project is:
Edit → Project Settings → Input. Create a new input there, Give it a name and input.
Now you can access that as an event in your blueprint.
Sometimes you need to turn off Context Sensitive in the drop down menu of blueprint to get the stuff you want.

no, try going to a hud where buttons are, youre not allowed to get that.

For future Googlers like myself, the answer is a node called “GetEffectingButton”, which returns a Key struct. You can than use the equal operator to compare it to the right mouse button.


FYI if you don’t know where the “OnMouseButtonDown” function is, it’s under Functions > Override, for UMG widgets.

OMG, Thank you kind sir!