4.7 UBlackboardKeyType_Vector is undeclared

While updating my code for the 4.7 version I came across this weird problem:

#include "BehaviorTree/Blackboard/BlackboardKeyType_Object.h"
BlackboardComp->SetValue<UBlackboardKeyType_Vector>(EnemyLocationID, NPC->Target->GetActorLocation());


Error	1	error C2653: 'UBlackboardKeyType_Vector' : is not a class or namespace name
Error	2	error C2974: 'UBlackboardComponent::SetValue' : invalid template argument for 'TDataClass', type expected

On the same file I have a similar code line, but this time using UBlackboardKeyType_Object, and it compiles without issues. One thing I noticed is that, when hovered with the mouse the UBlackboardKeyType_Object shows “class UBlackboardKeyType_Object”, while the UBlackboardKeyType_Vector shows “SetValue”.

#include “BehaviorTree/Blackboard/BlackboardKeyType_Vector.h”

Instead of Object , i really don’t understand what epic have done here but you need to include one file for each type (float , object,vector, … )

You’re right I completely forgot to check the include, I guess in my mind that would be for all types and I didn’t even bother to check the header.

I guess they when down this road to allow you to make your own types… but then again you can always make your own Object which is the same.