What is the proper way to license my Source Files?

Would this be an appropriate way for me to license my sources?

/////License: BSD 4-Clause (except for previously licensed content)
/////Author: First Last
/////Created: March 25, 2014
/////File: MySource.cpp

Could you provide more context to your question?

The source would be a subclass of a UE4 type. A general answer is preferred but here is something specific I’m working on that would be used in a future game / published in a book.

#include "GameFramework/HUD.h"   
class MyHUD : public AHUD

virtual functions
UE4 linkage


function definitions
UE4 linkage
static calls

Neither source would have any UE4 “copy/pasted” into it, well, maybe some from the RTS/FPS “examples,” but nothing from the engine.

You are welcome to license your own code under BSD. Please note that example code provided by Epic is treated the same as engine code under the license (i.e., cannot be released publicly).

After further discussion internally, we’ll come up with a way to permit redistribution of some example code as you suggested. Will update the FAQ once we’ve sorted it out.

We’ll permit redistribution in source code format of any code in the /Templates and /Samples folders in the install directory, and you can choose to sublicense them under any non-copyleft license agreement (including BSD).