How do you enable input for the player in every level?

I want to enable input for the player character in my persistent level and all sub levels. I have an Event Begin Play → Enable Input with the player controller connected to it in every single blueprint, but input doesn’t seem to be registering in any of them. Input is not being blocked in the controller or in the MyCharacter Blueprint. Honestly, I’m at a loss.

I’ve found that if I load only one sub level in my main level blueprint, input will work for that level. As soon as I try to load multiple levels at the beginning of the game, input seems not to register at all. Does anyone know why this would happen? Thank you!

Bump because this question is now very old and I still haven’t found a solution I really like :o

Um, may seems silly but is your game mode in world settings setup?

Yes, I have it set to a custom game type using a custom Character and HUD Blueprint and the default PlayerController class.