Virtual Joystick - Moving camera back to position when joystick reset

Hi there UE wizards,

I’m using the left virtual joystick to move around a camera, and want it to snap back to it’s original position when the joystick/thumbstick is reset when it’s no longer touched. I’ve tried to do this by using the axis mapping when its on 0, but then it snaps when the joystick is touched close to the middle and that’s not what i want.

Inside the left virtual joystick properties, i can see ‘Time until Reset’ and ‘Time until Deactivate’.
Is there a way to get this reset into my blueprint or to know if the left virtual joystick is being released?

Thanks in advance!

I myself haven’t worked with touch input yet but isn’t there an event touch?

I think I recall something like that which works similar to a normal key press.

You could check if it’s around the left joystick and check when it leaves that area or simply when you release it again.

Not 100% sure but I would be surprised if there wasn’t one or two events doing exactly this.

Hi Erasio,

Thanks for the comment! I understand what you mean. If I don’t find another way to solve this problem I’ll probably be using something similar to what you said. For the project I’m working on I’d rather just check if the joystick is touched and nothing else, not even the area around it. I’ve done some more research and it seems the virtual joystick can not be used in blueprints (yet).