4.6 Blueprints incompatible with 4.7 release

Hey Guys -

Once getting that completed, and getting successful a successful build, the project crashes while loading due to fatal blueprint compilation errors like ‘LogBlueprint:Error: [compiler] Error Variable node Get Items uses an invalid target. It may depend on a node that is not connected to the execution chain, and got purged’ types of fatal errors in almost every blueprint in the project.

Additionally, it finally breaks out of execution when it hits an ‘RefreshAllNodes called on incompletly loaded blueprint’ error crashes the process. This happens at RecompileBlueprintBytecode (Kismet2.cpp ln 864). The error is that the BlueprintObj->GeneratedClass is NULL for at least one blueprint. This crash appears before the editor window even opens. About 50% of the way through the loading screen for the editor.

I went through several steps to backtrack and was able to work the project in 4.6 and 4.7 preview 4 with no issues. I don’t have the other previews, so I can’t say when specifically the issue was introduced, but it was between 4.7 preview 5 and 4.7 release.

At this point I’m unable to upgrade to 4.7. Any ideas on what the problem could be and how to get my current blueprints to work? Unfortunately, right now an initiative to manually recreate all my blueprints is just not going to be possible, so I’d really hate to be stuck at 4.6.

Let me know if I can provide anything to help solve the issue.

Hey devlyn811,

Do you have a simple blueprint I could create in 4.6 and move to 4.7 to reproduce this error?

Hey Jonathan,

Thanks for the quick reply. While I’m not sure what the actual problem is, I was able to narrow it down to a single blueprint which is created off a simple c++ class I made.

Not sure why it’s causing the problem, but rather than go through all the hassle of setting up something simple, I may be able to recreate that single blueprint and re-load with the new blueprint. I may have to re-wire some nodes, or if I’m lucky, it may just outright work on it’s own. If I have success, I’ll report that back here in a little bit.

Failing that, I’ll set up something for you and get it to you.

I understand. Let me know what you decide.

It’s far worse that I thought.

I have some heavy decision making to do at this time.

OK looks like I went down the correct path - I basically had to trace through and remove loading a reference that was preventing deleteing and saving - I’ve found it, now I have a bit of gruntwork to do to re-align everything, but I should at this point have few if any problems getting over to 4.7.

I’d go into more in-depth about what seemed to be wrong, but right now I have to much volume of re-work to do, but basically, I had to refactor some Ustructs to c++ instead of Blueprint and go through and replace and re-wire them.

Fortunatley, with 4.7 we can now change types without deleting all the reference first! So I should be good!

Thanks again!

So I’ve put in the hours to refactor blueprint structs into c++ structs as well as some blueprint classes into c++ classes.

I think these issues were somehow specific to my project, so I don’t think there is much to do about it at this point - I’m up and running in 4.7 so I’m marking this as answered.

Thanks again guys!