[4.7] Recent Horrible Lag While Loading Level Caused By Message Log

Hello everyone,

After a few seconds loading my map, the editor goes to a crawl at 1fps or less. I found the issue to be the Message Log spamming Play In Editor messages about a issue of it wanting objects to have ‘simulate physics’ enabled if you’d like to AddImpulseAtLocation. But since this is occurring to static objects that I don’t want to add a impulse, I can’t fix this error. As you can see from the picture it has over 71,000 messages. Does anyone know how to disable these logs or know how to fix the issue?

Edit: The issue fixes itself after logging all 71,000. But this takes 10+ Minutes everytime you load the editor.
And only occurred after upgrading from 4.6 to 4.7

So just to clarify:

Are you calling AddImpulseAtLocation on these static meshes or is this somehow coming from an operation that the engine is performing that you cannot change?

These objects aren’t a part of a blueprint or anything that has AddImpulseAtLocation. I did however have a AddImpulseAtLocation connected to my character. But even after removing that I still had the same problem.

So it does seem that this is a operation the engine is trying to perform. Nothing in the items properties points to it wanting to be a physics object. The error log also mentions landscapes, and adds multiple logs for each item it has a error with.

Just updated. This still occurs in 7.1

Sorry for the delay, I was out for the last few days.

I’ve looked into this and as far as I can see there is only one location that I can find that might cause this in-engine and that is using collision from particles. Do you have any particle systems in your game that use collision?

No worries. I decided to revert to a backup in 4.61.

But yes, there was a particle effect with collision in the area of the errors. I found out with the static mesh with the error, if you turned it into a physics object. The error would go away. Because it was still having an error with the landscape I just reverted.

I have recently checked in a fix for this issue in this commit.

Can you please re post the fix? I recently upgraded to 4.7.2 (For the VR Support) and it’s not working again. And the link no longer works :frowning:

The link works fine, if you get a 404 error, just log into your github account.
We are also looking to integrate this into the next hotfix release.